Sunday, May 26, 2002

Party Announcement!

Ich ziehe nach Frankfurt und feiere am 1.Juni die Einweihung meiner neuen Bude!
Kommet zu Hauf und bringet Speis und Trank.
Bei Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.



Saturday, May 18, 2002

Und wieder ist eine Woche ins Land gegangen...

Nichts Neues bis auf die Tatsache, das es sich heute um meinen ersten deutschsprachigen Bloggereintrag handelt ;-)

Viel Arbeit, viel Sonne und nette Menschen, was wünscht man sich mehr? Richtig! Weniger Arbeit, aber das geht wohl zur Zeit nicht anders.
Bin schon ganz aufgeregt wegen meinem Umzug nach Frankfurt.



Sunday, May 12, 2002


One of my messenenger colleagues is willing to share his flat with me. So I´m going to be a "real" Frankfurter pretty soon.

I can stay at his place for about 5 months. After this months I hope that a good friend from Berlin will relocate to Frankfurt to share a flat with me.

Anyway, that´s all for today...


Sunday, May 05, 2002

What a terrible week!

No it wasn´t that bad. It was just a lot of work and rain. This week I´m going to collect orders
for PacDesigns courier bags which I intentend to distribute in Germany. News about my efforts
can be seen under..

I still have no place to stay in Frankfurt and time is running...There are two guys who might
be willing to share a flat with, but I´m not quite sure if that would be the perfect place to stay.
All my hopes rest on a good friend from Berlin who is coming to work in Frankfurt who is
willing to rent a flat with me.

Anyway, that´s all for today.

